FBA Inspection Services

What is FBA Label Service?

Barcode and Label Service

What is FBA Label Service?

Products that are sold on Amazon need to be applied with barcodes, but when you have hundreds or even thousands of products on Amazon, labeling every single one of them is time-consuming and boring, you could just leave us all the hassles and focus on expanding your business.

For eligible products that require an Amazon barcode, Dingshang can apply those barcodes for you for a per-item fee. Let us save you some money!

Each Unit you send to Amazon for fulfillment needs a unique scannable bar code to enable storage at a fulfillment center. If you have barcode on a unit that is not unique (for example, if you have the same barcode for an product that comes in many colors or sizes) you would need to apply a unique FNSKU label printed from your Seller Central account.